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WHY IBOGA MICRODOSING WITH ROOT BARK?WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? HOW DOES IT WORK?Microdosing can lead to profound internal shifts. How does microdosing feel? It feels like you've come home.It feels like you are centered in a way totally alien to your usual state of being, while at the same time feeling so natural that it's hard to believe you could possibly exist in any other way. It feels like you are entering your truest, rawest, most honest, simplest state without moving into a deeper realm of consciousness or what we commonly call "high". You are fully compos mentis, able to go on with your day-to-day activities with a sense of peace, understanding, and non-judgment of yourself, your emotions, and your desires. The extent of this state is of course relevant to where you are at the moment. For example, someone suffering from chronic depression may just feel okay, positive, or content for the first time in years, which is a huge leap forward from how they normally feel. For someone in a more stable emotional state, the sense of alignment will increase.

With iboga microdosing, the user takes a "micro" dose, which is a fraction of the usual amount of the desired substance. Typically, LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, iboga, or other psychedelics are used. The experience will not get the user "high" if they've taken too much and aren't microdosing.A microdose of IBOGA gives you a sense of mental clarity, awareness, and easy access to the subconscious, allowing you to find resolution to unanswered questions, unintegrated trauma, blocked emotions, energy, and limiting beliefs. It will also put you in a state of less resilience, making it much easier for you to integrate your newfound self-image into your life.IN MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, MICRODOSING OPENED MY MIND TO THE POSSIBILITIES OF ACHIEVING THE LEVEL OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE THAT I CAN ACTUALLY HOLD IN MY EVERYDAY LIFE. FOLLOWING THE SESSIONS, MY ALREADY EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS EXPANDED FURTHER TO ENCOUNTER THE POSSIBILITIES MICRODOSING SHOWED ME.Anecdotal data suggests that microdosing enhances creativity. Stabilizes mood and provides a calm and relaxed feeling while allowing the continuation of a normal daily routine. Not scientifically tested yet, but through a wealth of anecdotal evidence we know it also helps with anxiety and depression by promoting emotional and physical changes and an overall increased sense of well-being.

Many microdosers have reported that it improves unhealthy behaviors such as eating and sleeping habits, relieves chronic pain and helps resolve conflict in relationships. We have found that it also increases the ability for introspection, meditation and realignment of the heart and mind.LIKE EVERYTHING WE DO, INTENT IS KEY.

THUS WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU SET A CONSCIOUS AND CLEAR INTENT BEFORE STARTING MICRODOSING EACH TIME YOU USE. If for any reason you feel that you are unable to process the experience due to discomfort or a STRONG increase in anxiety, we recommend that you stop self-therapy and stop taking. Iboga brings long-suppressed pain to the surface and that can also become uncomfortable and bring all kinds of things with it. As in homeopathy, symptoms can initially worsen before they can be cured in the long term. Consider that before you end it.

Personal questions will be easier to answer, emotions will be more accessible, creative blocks can be released. Usually your mind will calm down and you will feel your authentic self; that is, the microdose will help you release fears and old unhealthy beliefs so that you can recognize, remember, and express your individual uniqueness.In all likelihood, you will continue to feel the gentle effects for a long time to come. You will probably become very conscious, absorb more things and maybe feel emotionally sensitive.After 30 days (or end of pack) have time to reflect on these experiences and integrate them properly into our consciousness.

EXAMPLE Microdosing

Up to 60kg body weight1st week (for 7 days) 2 capsules and then one capsuleUp to 80kg 4 capsules > then 2Up to 100kg 6 capsules > then 3Up to 120kg 8 capsules > then 4-You can get tired of it, so start on a weekend and see if it makes you mentally psyched or drowsy and adjust your dose accordingly.

This document is for informational purposes only.


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